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Tour of new Youth Transition Campus

Jeanne Brown | Published on 11/1/2023
The LWVSD Criminal Justice Committee will be taking a tour of the Youth Transition Campus (YTC) on November 13th at 10 am.

Due to reforms in Criminal and Youth Justice, most youth who have not committed serious offenses yet still need to be in custody for a certain length of time, will now be housed closer to home, in their own county. This will enable more interactions with family and hopefully be less traumatic to these juveniles. Each county in California will be creating their own YTC that should be less like a prison and more like a high school or college campus. We are excited to be able to tour ours as it is just opening here in San Diego. It is hoped that we could arrange for future tours for others who are interested.

For our NovemberZoom meeting, Thursday November 8 from 12:30p.m. to 2:00p.m. we will have a guest speaker who will share more information on how our sheriff’s department engages in contracts for services that county staff do not provide, such as mental and physical health, food, clothing, maintenance of facilities, etc. How are these contracts procured and overseen? We look forward to getting our questions answered.