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LWV urges County to prepare for migrant arrivals

Published on 2/7/2023
Testimony at 2/7/23 Board of Supervisors Meeting:

Good morning. I’m Kim Knox, President of the League of Women Voters of San Diego and I’m also representing the League of Women Voters of North County San Diego. The San Diego League has had a committee actively working on immigration issues for the last six years and is very supportive of welcoming migrants to San Diego County, without exposing them to inhumane conditions.

Since we expect Title 42 to be terminated, which could allow more people to cross the border, San Diego County must be prepared for a sudden increase in migrants. Shelters must be well-funded by the County so they can assist people in their legal, travel and basic needs. Border Patrol has been known to separate families when they drop people on the streets or at bus stations, often at night. Rapid Response Network volunteers pick some of them up and take them to safety, but others are targets for abuse and abduction. The county needs to have adequate shelter space so that Border Patrol can take them to a shelter 100% of the time when they arrive in San Diego.

The League applauds the County for all the support they have given to both the migrant shelterw and urges you to not only continue that funding, but to plan for expected increased migration across our border. Please vote to enhance preparation for the arrival of migrants. Thank you.