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January 2022

Beryl Flom

We had an in-person breakfast meeting in December to welcome League member and active committee member, Robert Vivar, back home after he was deported for over eight years in Tijuana. Robert is a co-founder of Unified US Deported Veterans and works with Via International; each month he tells us what is happening with asylum seekers in Tijuana. Once he gets his green card, he will be able to go back and forth. The speaker was Jules Kramer, COO of Minority Humanitarian Foundation, which helps people leaving detention or crossing the border with whatever needs they have on a very personal level. As the result of a very stimulating discussion at this meeting, we plan to contact the San Diego delegation to Congress to find out what the process is for the MPP/Remain in Mexico, because these people who work with asylum seekers are not aware of the procedure for the program. Maria Galleta from Madres et Familias Deportadas en Accion also came to tell us about her work with the children camped out at El Chaparral, and teaching women crafts that they can sell. She provided a Thanksgiving dinner for about 100 deportees who miss this holiday because they are now living in Mexico. Members of the committee support her and now we are talking about helping her with the children on Tuesdays.

Our next meeting is Thursday, January 13, at 9am on Zoom. The speaker will be Apolonio Morales from CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles). Now that we are working with other Leagues in CA through the LWVC Immigration Interest Group, the Pasadena Area League recommended Apolonio, so we are very excited to be inspired by him. The LWVC Immigration Interest Group has just sent emails to all the state Leagues and California Leagues asking them to support increased advocacy on immigration at the national League level. Be sure to come to the Program Planning meeting (tentatively planned for February 26 at 10am) so you can vote on this recommendation and others.