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HomeDefending Democracy

Many people have asked League leaders about ways to address threats to democracy and what the League is doing about this.

The League has had strong positions on democracy since its beginnings in 1920 as well as a long history of action.  The positions and history are documented in the Impact on Issues.

During the 2024 election year, and beyond, the LWVSD will continue to offer ways to learn
about and discuss this important topic.

For further information, contact Jane Andrews, voter empowerment director, at

Expand Voter Access

The right of every citizen to vote has been a basic League principle since its origin.

The League fights to increase voters’ access to the polls, including early voting and automatic and online voter registration.
View More information.

Money in Politics

Money in Politics, also known as campaign finance regulation, has been an active issue for the League of Women Voters nationally since 1973. 

The League has a detailed position on Money in Politics which can be found in full detail in the document: Impact on Issues

In brief, the League supports: 

  • Public financing of elections with reasonable spending limits by candidates

  • Enhanced enforcement of campaign finance laws

  • Abolishing Super PACs, and

  • Restrictions on direct donations and bundling by lobbyists.

The National League is focused currently on advocacy in support of greater disclosure of “bundled” donors.  It has also participated in litigation supporting disclosure requirements for online political advertising. For more information about LWV action on this at the national level, see the Money in Politics webpage.

This Money in Politics Resource List contains current sources of public information, nonprofit groups that are tracking Money in Politics, and League resources on this topic.

Fight Voter Suppression

The League works to protect every American’s right to vote, challenging those who seek to restrict Black, brown, female, disable and other Americans from making their voices heard in our democracy. View more information.


Partisan and racial gerrymandering distorts and undermines representative democracy by allowing officials to select their voters than voters to select their officials.  

The League has a detailed position on redistricting which can also be found in the Impact on Issues.


This is a newer topic of interest for the League which has started the Democracy Truth Project to fight Mis- and Disinformation.
View more information.

LWVUS is also offering a weekly Elections Rumor Briefing.  For more information, contact Voter Empowerment Director Jane Andrews at