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HomeAnn Clark Scholarship


The Ann Clark Scholarship Fund offers an annual grant to local college students or high school seniors interested in women’s studies, political science, public administration, ethnic studies, or other topics relevant to the wellbeing of democracy. Up to $2000 is available for an experiential or immersion program (outside the classroom) designed to enhance appreciation of civic service and the political process.

Students may apply for a variety of projects, whether self-designed or offered by public and private institutions. In addition to their own independent research projects, student may wish to consider the wide array of opportunities in the United States and abroad, including such established ones as Experiment in International Living, Model United Nations, the League of Women Voters Internship Program, Road Scholar of the Navajo Nation, the Internship program of the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum, and many others. Students may also apply to attend academic or nonpartisan conferences.

If you have questions about the scholarship program, please email
The Ann Clark Scholarship awards up to $2000 per fiscal year. Chosen student(s) will be required to make a presentation describing their experience to the LWVSD at a designated event or to submit a newsletter article.

The League believes that such experiential or immersion opportunities are important to a student’s future development and bear enormous potential to make a difference in students' lives.


  • The applicant will be a high school senior or college student in the city of San Diego, Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Poway, Santee, or in the unincorporated areas of San Diego County south of Highway 56 and Poway.
  • The applicant is studying, or intends to study, at the college level.
  • The applicant must include a written letter of support from a teacher, advisor, or relevant organization.
  • The applicant should submit a short resume and transcript.

Timeline and Application

  • The application is due on April 1 May 1.
  • All applicants will be notified by email of the results. Award recipients will also be contacted by phone.

Apply Now

Scholarship funds can be taxable depending upon how they are used. For amounts $600 or higher, recipients will receive a 1099. It is recommended that students seek the advice of a tax professional to understand whether this money will be taxed as earnings.

The scholarship program was launched in 2022 and was named for Ann Clark, a past LWVSD leader who also served on the Inter-League Organization (ILO).


You can support the Ann Clark Scholarship Fund by mail or online.

By mail: Please make checks payable to LWVSD and send to:

LWV San Diego
2020 Columbia St. #244
San Diego, CA 92101

Be sure to include “Ann Clark Scholarship Fund” in the memo line of the check.

Online: Make a gift online using a credit card.