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HomeLeadership / Board of Directors
LWVSD is operated by an all volunteer board of directors. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and abide by California nonprofit guidelines and rules. Board members are elected for two year terms by our membership at the Annual Meetings in June. If your skill set and experience matches our programming and/or positions, we welcome you to submit your interest to Rachel McDonald-Hernandez, Nominating Committee Chair.

Nominating Committee (appointed in July/August)

  • Five members: the chair and two off-board members shall be elected at the annual meeting. Two board members shall be appointed by the board at its first regular meeting following the annual meeting.

  • solicit input regarding skills and personnel needs from the board of directors and from members for nominations for the offices to be filled.

  • The report of the nominating committee of its nominations for officers, directors, and the chair and two members of the succeeding nominating committee shall be sent to the members 30+ days before the annual meeting. The report of the nominating committee shall be presented to the annual meeting.

  • The chair will present the report at the annual meeting

  • Busiest months: February through April

Bylaws Committee

  • Five members: two directors and three off-board members, appointed by the board

  • Review the bylaws, consider proposed amendments and report to the board >60 days before the annual meeting.

  • Before starting the amendment process, a League should consider whether the desired outcome could be achieved by another method (such as a board motion, annual meeting/convention vote, or development of a new policy or procedure).

  • The chair will present the bylaw amendments at the annual meeting

  • Busiest months: February and March

Budget Committee

  • Five members: the treasurer, two directors, and two off-board members appointed by the board. The treasurer shall not be eligible to serve as chair.

  • Prepare an annual budget for the League and submit it to the board at least two months prior to the annual meeting.

  • The chair will present the budget at the annual meeting.

  • Busiest months: February and March

Scholarship Committee

  • At least one board member and at least one off-board member, appointed by the board.

  • Maintain outreach to local high schools, colleges and universities regarding scholarship application process.

  • Coordinate the process for annual selection of scholarship recipient(s).

  • Notify all applicants of the results.

  • Inform the board and the school(s) of award recipients.

  • Busiest months: October, May, and early June

Finance Committee
  • Five members: the treasurer, one board member, and three off-board members.
  • Financial planning: Ensure the organization has the cash reserves and investments necessary for long-term success. Review the cash reserve/investment policy at least once a year and propose updates if necessary. Ensure provisions of the policy are followed. Review investment performance and research rates/dividends.
  • Financial reporting & monitoring: Ensure adherence to the budget and achievement of the adopted goals by monitoring and reporting the organization’s financial activity. Review the annual IRS Form 990 and all required tax filings.

Additional League Leaders

Greta Kaas-Lent & Sarah O'Leary Voter Registration Coordinators
Julie Ann Sih San Diego County Coordinator for VOTE411
Jeanne Weidner  Speakers Bureau Chair

Jeanne Brown

Criminal Justice Chair

Penny Adler

Education Chair
Beryl Flom Immigration & Deportation Chair
Mary Lou Lindegren & Posy McKinney Sustainability & Environmental Action Co-Chairs
Myles Pomeroy & Mary Thompson Housing & Homelessness Co-Chairs 
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