The Housing & Homelessness Committee was created in 2021 after both LWV San Diego and LWV North County adopted a comprehensive Housing Action Policy. Creation of the committee was a principal recommendation of the Action Policy to follow up on its many recommendations. The initial focus of the committee was on housing and included only LWV San Diego. However, earlier this year, LWV North County joined the committee and its scope was expanded to include homelessness. It is co-chaired by Myles Pomeroy, Public Policy Director for LWV San Diego, and Mary Thompson, a member of LWV North County San Diego.
The committee focuses on two closely related issues:
Housing: the committee studies zoning, land use and trends, using LWV positions to recommend advocacy on local policies affecting affordable housing at all income levels. Committee meetings include educational presentations on emerging state legislation, the preservation of existing affordable housing, and building methodologies.
Homelessness: the committee monitors and recommends advocacy on local government and agency actions affecting homelessness services. A key task will be running a pilot program to specifically study the homelessness services governed by the City and County of San Diego and the Regional Task Force on Homelessness. Given the scale of the unhoused crisis in the region, interested members can become quickly involved.
Last year, the committee sent letters to those cities in the County that have not yet adopted an inclusionary housing program. Recent committee meetings have included learning about the Escondido Community Housing Coalition, reviewing and commenting on the County’s draft Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, and reviewing and commenting on the homeless services study.
Pictured (left to right): LWV North County President Rosette Garcia, Mary Lydon, Rebecca Louie, Tamera Kohler and Anne Omsted.
On Saturday, August 26, a joint League event focusing on permanent housing solutions for people experiencing homelessness was held at the Carmel Valley Library (watch the video). Every seat in the room was taken. The program featured speakers from three local organizations working on this issue:
Tamara Kohler, CEO of the Regional Task Force on the Homelessness
Rebecca Louie, CEO of Wakeland Housing & Development Corporation
Mary Lydon, Executive Director, Home Aid San Diego
In addition, Anne Omsted of the Housing & Homelessness Committee told about her work on a draft report of local services, funding and government action related to homelessness.
If you are interested in participating, email Myles or Mary. The committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 5-6:30pm (Join with Zoom).