The February meeting of the Immigration & Deportation Committee meeting is Feb. 10 at 9am PT on Zoom. At the January meeting, Robert Vivar recommended that we work with Via International to register expats so they can vote in the American elections. Jenny Avina is setting up a speaker from US Overseas Vote to train committee members to help with this project. Via International will locate the expats in the Rosarito area. Anyone who would like to help is welcome to our training meeting.
The speaker in January was Apolonio Morales from CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles) who did a wonderful summary of where the Federal government is on various aspects of immigration policy.Viewthe recording of the meeting.
The LWVC Immigration Interest Group has emailed state Leagues throughout the U.S. asking them to forward our email to local Leagues for Program Planning asking that LWVUS do more advocacy on immigration as a way to Make Democracy Work. Be sure to consider this at LWVSD’s Program Planning meeting on February 26 at 10am PT on Zoom.